Friday, July 20, 2012


Last weekend we ventured crossed the Divide and separated by gender. Boys stayed at the ranch and girls headed to Bozeman to spend time with family. Brady was in heaven at the ranch. Uncle Pat indulged him in a free for all on the backhoe, Grandma Dorothy took him swimming in the river, he was able to ring the bell after Mass, he had a great time!

Hannah, my mom, and I stayed in Bozeman and fell in love with a kitten...she has now joined our family! Her name is Millie and she is adorable.

Looking forward to taking a small vacation in about a week. I haven't had more than a couple days off in a long time so I am having a debate in my head of how long to take off but can't wait to spend some time with the kids in Sandpoint. Happy Friday!

Monday, July 9, 2012

The first week of July!

We have been busy! It has been a great month so far, the weather has been awesome and we are having fun! Running, traveling, gardening, swimming, playing, you name it, we are doing it!

Here are a few pictures from the last week:

Here is Hannah on the 4th of July! I love her outfit, Ev...not so much.

The neighbors were shooting off firecrackers. Ev was explaining what they were to the kids. I love this picture.

Here are all the kids, Whitney took them on an "adventure" to the splash deck at a local park.

Miss Hannah knows how to relax. :)

On Sunday morning, very early, Whitney and I waited in line to catch the bus to the start of the Missoula 1/2 Marathon!

It was amazing! I loved it and cannot stop raving about it! I had fun, felt good, and cannot wait to do it again next year!

We both suffered injuries and set backs in the past months but we finished!
Two half marathons completed, one to go!

After the run, I spent the afternoon in my lawn chair watching the kids beat the heat in the pool.

There is nothing better then a gin and tonic on a hot afternoon!
Anyone want to join me July 14, 2013 for an incredible run?