Monday, June 13, 2011 skills...

Brady has a few toy phones, two cells phones and one "regular" phone. He goes through phases where he wants to play with them, doesn't want Hannah to have them, could care less about them, etc.

This weekend was definitely a phone weekend and boy, did he make me laugh.

Saturday morning while Hannah was napping, Brady and I were downstairs. He was playing with his trains while I did laundry and cleaned up a bit. I poke my head around the corner to check on him and say "what are you doing, Brady?" He is holding one of the cell phones in his hand, without looking up he says "texting Lou Lou."

Sunday night after bath and jammies, Brady "helped" me vacuum both his room and Hannah's. In the process of picking up his toys, he found his regular phone. It is on wheels with a string so it can be pulled around. It is definitely made for younger kids as when Brady holds it, the front wheels are off the ground. The receiver is also attached by a string. After I finish vacuuming, I see him standing in the hallway with the receiver to his ear, the rest of the phone dangling from the string, having a conversation:

"Hello, hi Judah. What you doing at Whitney's house? Oh, okay. Bye."
"Hello Daddy. What you doing at work? Okay, bye."
"Hello Hannah. What you doing? Bye."

It is amazing what he picks up on. I do not talk on the phone very much but because Ev works out of town, we talk every night. Most of the time it is after the kids are in bed but the conversation usually starts with something like "hello, how are you? how was work today?"

I love the Brady is learning to pretend and understanding concepts. He sort of understands what "yesterday" means except to him it is any day in the past. Like "Mommy, yesterday was the egg hunt." He opens my eyes to so many things that I did not notice before.

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