Support the National Down Syndrome Society and Nella’s 2for2 Fund
Two years ago, we headed to the hospital like any other anxious couple, excited to meet our new daughter. Hours later, Nella arrived, surprising us with an extra chromosome. We were shocked and saddened by the challenges we knew she’d face. Many of our concerns grew out of a common hope we share with any parent—that our child will be accepted and seen for her abilities and character rather than what makes her different.
We learned so much our first year. Most importantly, we learned, as Ghandi said, “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” We join thousands of others in proactively seeking ways we can increase knowledge and awareness about the amazing abilities of individuals with Down syndrome. We have chosen to continue to support the National Down Syndrome Society in their goal of raising awareness and creating opportunities for individuals with Down syndrome and their families to live their best life possible.
The National Down Syndrome Society has been dedicated to making a marked difference for people with Down syndrome since 1979. The mission of NDSS is to be the national advocate for the value, acceptance and inclusion of people with Down syndrome. NDSS envisions a world in which all people with Down syndrome have the opportunity to enhance their quality of life, realize their life aspirations, and become valued members of welcoming communities.
Last year, for Nella’s first birthday, we launched Nella’s ONEder Fund with hopes we might be able to raise $15,000. In a matter of three weeks, we raised over $100,000. We will never forget those weeks—how we cried watching our online fundraising page change within minutes and recognizing just how much people care. We were inspired by others’ generosity—most of which came from people we’ve never met, and our family is eternally grateful for how people are willing to join the cause on behalf of Nella and the more than 400,000 other individuals with Down syndrome living in the United States.
We’re not done yet. We’ve been blessed with another fulfilling year, a year in which we’ve continually been thankful for our daughter’s health and milestones. She’s a funny, inquisitive, smart little girl on the brink of two, and we want to celebrate once again by raising money to show the world our kids deserve everything any kid deserves—opportunity, a bright future.
Our goal this year is to raise the roof on our current funds—2 for 2. We hope to raise $200,000 by the time Nella turns two—that is $75,000 more to add to the already generous support from over 5,500 people since October 2010 (our first fundraiser for NDSS). That doesn’t give us a whole lot of time, but we’ve been inspired and astounded by the kindness of others before. We know it can happen again. Please join us in supporting the NDSS, and make a donation to Nella’s 2for2 Fund and, by doing so, help enrich the lives of others. $5, $10—it adds up. We’ve got proof, thanks to you.
Our family sincerely thanks you. Your generosity has inspired us, and we promise to continue our efforts and give back.
The Hampton Family
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