Monday, March 28, 2011

Hannah's 6 month check up:

Weight 21 lbs. 4 oz.  99th percentile
Height 27.75 inches  97th percentile

Hannah is happy and healthy, growing off the charts! She is rolling all over and can almost sit up on her own. She laughs a lot and is very ticklish.
She loves watching Brady and trying to get ahold of Maddie. She prefers to be held all the time, especially when she is sleeping!
She is starting to eat baby food, so far we have been eating cereal and veggies.
She loves her daddy, her face lights up when he calls her name!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

...dazed and confused...
so this is what lack of sleep does to a person...

Last night I sat at my home computer happily loading pictures on the blog.
This morning, I open the blog at work to see that I had already loaded all the same pictures a few days ago...

Here's my excuse, my kids are so great I wanted you all to see their pictures again!

Monday, March 21, 2011


Good Morning Mom, I'm a little too tired to be happy to be wearing this sweater...
 Hmm...not sure how I feel about these green beans...
 My turn, please! Cheese!
 Yummy, rice crackers...
 It's so nice to be outside!
 How does this thing work?

Look who is sitting up!

Look at me, Mom! I can sit up by myself! Woo hoo!

Thursday, March 17, 2011


How can it be the middle of March already? Where does the time go? My kids are growing up! Brady makes his own peanut butter and honey sandwiches, Hannah can roll across the living room floor.  Brady is swearing, singing, dancing, and asking a million questions. Hannah started eating veggies and teething biscuits. I miss my babies...



Both Brady and Hannah ate sweet potatoes at 6 months, here are both of their pictures.
Not the best comparson, same nose and eyes though.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Miss Hannah

We got out the walker this weekend for Hannah, she hasn't figured out to use her legs yet but she likes playing in it. Sorry for the brief ending to the video, I was trying to film Ev and the battery died... :)