Friday, February 24, 2012


Who are the luckiest kids in Missoula?  Mine!
Last week the kids went to the Missoula Children's Museum on Valentine's Day for the opening of a new exhibit:
Brady and Aven fishing!

The gangs all here!

Busy shopping, Hannah's working the cashier line!

The babes!

Today the kids visited the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation!

Resting on the map.

Checkin' things out.

The gang...look at the look on Hannah's face...

This is the best picture!

How thankful am I that my kids get to have these experiences! I do not have the words to express, I am so lucky!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Friday, February 10, 2012

11-24-09 Aven and Brady

02-10-12 Judah and Hannah

Kids Update

Wow, it's been a while since I've posted pictures. We have been busy! I got out the real camera for the first time since Christmas this week. Update to come on the Valentine project Brady has been working on!

Look at the great Valentine hats the kids have! Brady and Aven made crowns for themselves and for the babies...I can't really call Hannah and Judah the babies anymore, they are growing up.

Yesterday was an awesome mail day for us! Brady and Hannah each received a package and a card. We had to stop dinner preparations to open packages and enjoy the surprises.

Thanks Grandma and Grandpa! Mail is always fun and we read all the new books!

Thank you Aunt Carol and Uncle Phil for the card and "Mom, I got money!"
 Hannah's hair in the back is now long enought for pig tails!